Selected RowLab Publications
For full list of publications, see Google Scholar
Annie M Goettemoeller, Emmie Banks, Katharine E McCann et al. (2023) Entorhinal cortex vulnerability to human APP expression promotes hyperexcitability and tau pathology. BioRxiv: https://doi.org/10.1101/2023.11.06.565629---- now in dgNature Communications (15), 7918
Viktor J. Olah, Jing Wu, Leonard K. Kaczmarek & Matthew JM Rowan. (2023). ‘Hidden’ HCN channels permit pathway-specific synaptic amplification in L2/3 pyramidal neurons. BioRxiv: https://doi.org/10.1101/2023.09.25.559198 ----- now in eLife
Banks, E., Zheng, J., Eaton, A., Olah, V., & Rowan, MJM. (2023). A novel enhancer-AAV approach selectively targeting dentate granule cells. BioRxiv. https://doi.org/10.1101/2023.02.03.527045 ----- now in Cell Reports Methods
Prateek Kumar*, Annie M Goettemoeller* et al. (2023). Native-state proteomics of Parvalbumin interneurons identifies novel molecular signatures and metabolic vulnerabilities to early Alzheimer’s disease pathology. BioRxiv. https://doi.org/10.1101/2023.05.17.541038 ----- now in Nature Communications (15), 2823
Michael Hamersky, Matthew Winfree, Matthew JM Rowan*, Lindsey Seldin* (2023). Streamlined intravital imaging approach for long-term monitoring of epithelial cell dynamics on an inverted confocal microscope. Journal of Visualized Experiments JOVE 10.3791/65529
Oláh, V. J., Pedersen, N. P., & Rowan, M. J. (2022). Ultrafast simulation of large-scale neocortical microcircuitry with biophysically realistic neurons. eLife, 11, e79535. PDF
Olah, V. J.#, Goettemoeller, A. M.#, Rayaprolu, S., Dammer, E. B., Seyfried, N. T., Rangaraju, S., ... & Rowan, M. J. (2022). Biophysical Kv3 channel alterations dampen excitability of cortical PV interneurons and contribute to network hyperexcitability in early Alzheimer’s. eLife, 11, e75316. PDF
Sruti Rayaprolu, Sara Bitarafan, Ranjita Betarbet, Sydney N Sunna, Lihong Cheng, Hailian Xiao, Pritha Bagchi, Duc M Duong, Ruth Nelson, Annie M Goettemoeller, Viktor Janos Olah, Matthew JM Rowan, Allan I Levey, Levi B Wood, Nicholas T Seyfried, Srikant Rangaraju (2022). Cell type-specific in vivo proximity labeling of the neuronal proteome reveals regional differences in mouse brain. Nature Communications. 13: 2927
Jie Yeap, Chaitra Sathyaprakash, Jamie Toombs, Jane Tulloch, Cristina Scutariu, Jamie Rose, Karen Burr, Caitlin Davies, Marti Colom-Cadena, Siddharthan Chandran, Charles H Large, Matthew JM Rowan, Martin J Gunthorpe, Tara L Spires-Jones (2022). Reducing voltage-dependent potassium channel Kv3.4 levels ameliorates synapse loss in a mouse model of Alzheimer’s disease. Brain and Neuroscience Advances. https://doi.org/10.1177/23982128221086464
Earlier selected pubs
Bonnan, A, Rowan MJ, Baker, CA, Bolton MM, Christie JM (2021). Autonomous Purkinje cell activation instructs bidirectional motor learning through evoked dendritic calcium signaling. Nature Communications. 12(1):2153. PMID 33846328
Matthew JM Rowan*, Bonnan A*, Zheng K, Amat SB, Augustine GJ, Christie JM (2018). Graded Control of Climbing-Fiber-Mediated Plasticity and Learning by Inhibition in the Cerebellum. Neuron. 99, 999-1015. PMC6206434
Gaffield MA, Matthew JM Rowan, Amat SB, Christie JM (2018). Inhibition gates supralinear Ca2+ signaling in Purkinje cell dendrites during practiced movements. eLife. 7, e36246. PMC6120752
Amat SBX, Rowan MJX, Gaffield MA, Bonnan A, Kikuchi C, Taniguchi H, Christie JM (2017). Using c-kit to genetically control cerebellar molecular layer interneurons. PlosOne. 12, e0179347. PMC5489153
Rowan MJ & Christie JM (2017). State-dependent alteration in Kv3.4 channel availability drives flexible synaptic signaling following somatic subthreshold depolarization. Cell Reports. 18, 2018–2029. PMC5328503
Rowan MJM, Delcanto G, Kamasawa N, Christie JM (2016). Synapse-level determination of action potential duration by K+ channel clustering in axons. Neuron. 91, 370–383. PMC4969170
Rowan MJM, Tranquil, E., and Christie, JM (2014). Distinct Kv channel subtypes contribute to differences in spike signaling properties in the axon initial segment and presynaptic boutons of cerebellar interneurons.​ J Neurosci. 34, 6611-6623. PMC4012316