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Selected RowLab Publications

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  • Oláh, V. J., Pedersen, N. P., & Rowan, M. J. (2022). Ultrafast simulation of large-scale neocortical microcircuitry with biophysically realistic neurons. eLife, 11, e79535. PDF

  • Olah, V. J.#, Goettemoeller, A. M.#, Rayaprolu, S., Dammer, E. B., Seyfried, N. T., Rangaraju, S., ... & Rowan, M. J. (2022). Biophysical Kv3 channel alterations dampen excitability of cortical PV interneurons and contribute to network hyperexcitability in early Alzheimer’s. eLife, 11, e75316. PDF

  • Sruti Rayaprolu, Sara Bitarafan, Ranjita Betarbet, Sydney N Sunna, Lihong Cheng, Hailian Xiao, Pritha Bagchi, Duc M Duong, Ruth Nelson, Annie M Goettemoeller, Viktor Janos Olah, Matthew JM Rowan, Allan I Levey, Levi B Wood, Nicholas T Seyfried, Srikant Rangaraju (2022). Cell type-specific in vivo proximity labeling of the neuronal proteome reveals regional differences in mouse brain. Nature Communications. 13: 2927

  • Jie Yeap, Chaitra Sathyaprakash, Jamie Toombs, Jane Tulloch, Cristina Scutariu, Jamie Rose, Karen Burr, Caitlin Davies, Marti Colom-Cadena, Siddharthan Chandran, Charles H Large, Matthew JM Rowan, Martin J Gunthorpe, Tara L Spires-Jones (2022). Reducing voltage-dependent potassium channel Kv3.4 levels ameliorates synapse loss in a mouse model of Alzheimer’s disease. Brain and Neuroscience Advances

Earlier selected pubs


  • Bonnan, A, Rowan MJ, Baker, CA, Bolton MM, Christie JM (2021). Autonomous Purkinje cell activation instructs bidirectional motor learning through evoked dendritic calcium signaling. Nature Communications. 12(1):2153. PMID 33846328

  • Matthew JM Rowan*, Bonnan A*, Zheng K, Amat SB, Augustine GJ, Christie JM (2018). Graded Control of Climbing-Fiber-Mediated Plasticity and Learning by Inhibition in the Cerebellum. Neuron. 99, 999-1015. PMC6206434

  • Gaffield MA, Matthew JM Rowan, Amat SB, Christie JM (2018). Inhibition gates supralinear Ca2+ signaling in Purkinje cell dendrites during practiced movements. eLife. 7, e36246. PMC6120752

  • Amat SBX, Rowan MJX, Gaffield MA, Bonnan A, Kikuchi C, Taniguchi H, Christie JM (2017). Using c-kit to genetically control cerebellar molecular layer interneurons. PlosOne. 12, e0179347. PMC5489153

  • Rowan MJ & Christie JM (2017). State-dependent alteration in Kv3.4 channel availability drives flexible synaptic signaling following somatic subthreshold depolarization. Cell Reports. 18, 2018–2029. PMC5328503

  • Rowan MJM, Delcanto G, Kamasawa N, Christie JM (2016). Synapse-level determination of action potential duration by K+ channel clustering in axons. Neuron. 91, 370–383. PMC4969170

  • Rowan MJM, Tranquil, E., and Christie, JM (2014). Distinct Kv channel subtypes contribute to differences in spike signaling properties in the axon initial segment and presynaptic boutons of cerebellar interneurons.​ J Neurosci. 34, 6611-6623. PMC4012316

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